Thursday, March 24, 2011

We aren't in Kansas anymore...

Yesterday a pretty impressive storm system blew through here, leaving in it's wake an EF2 tornado and a ton of damage to the area. We are safe, but I have never seen a storm like that. We had golf ball size hail and insane winds and such. Thank goodness everyone is safe and although the damage is extensive, no life was lost.

Otherwise, in the wake of this fiasco, our world is otherwise normal. We went to Sam's tonight and stocked up on healthy foods and veggies. We are going to try to make this weight loss thing work again. We have too. Lord knows I tired of this extra weight, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. We ate out tonight and ingested probably 2000 calories, all of which tasted yucky and benefited us none. We have to stop it. We have to try harder. No other way tomorrow Slim Fast and fruit snacks begin.

I also got my new composting bin tonight. Sad that I'm so excited about compost...but soon I will have wonderful compost for the garden and such. Yeah for me!

I'm off to help C work on his resume...we'll see how this one goes :)

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