Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My lifestyle journey begins...and continues

I have decided to use this blog as the way to document my weight loss and fitness gains and to act as a reminder to me of "how things used to be" (at least I hope this will be the case in a couple of months).

That said, I have been using Calorie Count for just over a month, and I have lost just about 20 lbs to date. I started at 275 lbs and have hit my first plateau this week at 255 lbs. I have upped my calories from 1200 to about 1500, but I am wondering if I have made a mistake. I just worry that this increase is causing my weight to level out. Its either that or that its taken me a month to loss the excess water weight and glycogen stores.

The weather is turning cold and this is becoming a big concern to me. I don't have any workout stuff at the house (other than my worn out shoes and my legs) and won't be able to get anything anytime soon. Plus the car is broken and I know that I won't be able to get out to the park to walk on the trails any time soon. So I think I am going to have to force myself to get out there and walk these hills in an attempt to make a real difference in myself.

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