I did so well keeping up with my blog after New Years. I was quite proud of myself, needless to say. But then life crept in, slowly, and kept me from writing or reading. Sickness invaded, and we are just now recovering from it's onslaught of awfulness. Everyone is still slightly congested and snuffy, but we are all far better than we were two or three weeks ago. Thanks be to God that the sickness seems past for now and we are returning to real life again.
That said, February is almost over. Diva is officially 18 months now and showing her independence more every day. AJ is getting bigger, and I'm noticing bigger boy tendencies in his behaviors and attitudes. I am not ready for that, needless to say. The cuddles and snuggles are still there, so not all is lost. As for Diva, I'm thinking we are just starting to dig in for what may be a very long terrible twos stage.
Lent begins for us on Wednesday. I am ready for the opportunity to pour my heart into something great and good. I feel relief that this season is here, which is strange. I am almost looking for the chance to sacrifice and have a reason to resist indulging. I have yet to decide officially what I will choose as a sacrifice because I don't feel anything I've come up with so far is truly a sacrifice. So I will dwell for a while longer on that one to make a good decision.
I'm off to organize laundry and get something done before bed tonight. We have piles of laundry to get done...blah. One of my least favorite chores!
The blog of a weight-losing, health-nutty, quasi-hippie, attachment parenting, baby wearing, cloth diapering, homeschooling Catholic family with a tendency toward talking too much and bad fashion sense.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
A very happy birthday...
Today is my 32cd birthday. In a way, that number both scares and humbles me. I am, of course, petrified by the idea that I have surpassed 22 years old. Remember 22? Me neither. Great year, 22. I was on top of the world...college graduate, in graduate school...the world was at my feet. Then, 23 came and everything changed. Literally, in the span of one month I was laid low. Life was no longer my oyster. I couldn't afford store brand fish sticks, let alone oysters. 23 was marked by Aidyn's birth and the effective end of my youth as a whole. In the span of three months I became a wife, mother and my college career was curbed. My reverse birthday was definitely a life changing year. Funny how it seemed tragic then. Now if for my reverse birthday year at 32 I could have another baby, life would be grand. Priorities definitely change.
I'm hoping 32 is a banner year for Krista :) Our world is looking pretty good...the kids are healthy and happy, C is inching closer every day to finishing his OTL/R and we're even contemplating going to Disney World. How much more fun is life than that? I'm also hoping to truly renew my weight loss effort. For this, C and I have decided to splurge and buy an elliptical. I have wanted one for ages, but now seemed the right time. Of course, as soon as we got it home and started putting it together, we realized a part was incorrect. So, for the moment, my banner year is on hold until my new parts get here.
Otherwise all is well in our house. I need to get in gear and get writing more. I was doing very well at the beginning of the year, but I have been slacking off lately. Silly girl. I really need to buckle down and get those thoughts of mine cataloged. So many important things to say...lol. I'm going to get ready for bed now...cuddle up with my honey and enjoy the sounds of his snores as the snow/rain/ice hits the roof. Good birthday :)
I'm hoping 32 is a banner year for Krista :) Our world is looking pretty good...the kids are healthy and happy, C is inching closer every day to finishing his OTL/R and we're even contemplating going to Disney World. How much more fun is life than that? I'm also hoping to truly renew my weight loss effort. For this, C and I have decided to splurge and buy an elliptical. I have wanted one for ages, but now seemed the right time. Of course, as soon as we got it home and started putting it together, we realized a part was incorrect. So, for the moment, my banner year is on hold until my new parts get here.
Otherwise all is well in our house. I need to get in gear and get writing more. I was doing very well at the beginning of the year, but I have been slacking off lately. Silly girl. I really need to buckle down and get those thoughts of mine cataloged. So many important things to say...lol. I'm going to get ready for bed now...cuddle up with my honey and enjoy the sounds of his snores as the snow/rain/ice hits the roof. Good birthday :)
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