Thursday, May 19, 2011

Strep sick and yuck...

I have the world's most annoying rash.  Apparently, I've been attacked by the strep bug.  I don't actually feel terrible, but very tired and run down.  Hopefully, the meds I got yesterday will kick in and make things clear up, but as of 24 hours post medication, there is little change.  I'm hoping day 2 will improve things.

On other matters, I am already tiring of Toy Story 3.  I love the stories, but I am tiring of hearing it as much as I did with Barney.  It's a great story, but watched 17 times a day, anything can sour you.  Oh well...I'm sure she'll be on to something new next week.  She is being really good this morning, so what can I complain about?

AJ is doing really well finishing up his schoolwork and working on his blog.  He's interested in work again, which is great to see.  I really think a less traditional approach to schooling works best for him.  I think that's how we are going to work things next year.  He is doing so well this way that I'm going to manipulate the K12 to make it work more to our advantage.   He is still going to have to get the basics down, but I'm willing to open up and explore more next year.  I'm thinking that engaging him with books and stories is going to do far more for him learning-wise than what I have been doing.  Plus, this will hopefully make him more inclined to creative thinking and writing and more imaginative work.  He is afraid to think outside of the box...I think that's the Aspie in him.  He has so much imaginative potential, but he seems intimidated and afraid to be wrong.  I could kill PS for that.  The first grade teacher truly made him afraid of "wrong", so he hesitates to think independently.  More independent work is going to be an item on our agenda next year!

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