Saturday, February 27, 2010

My newest love...

So...I am in love. Those first wonderful, sweet days when the world is wonderful and bright and everything is joyful. I'm happy and pass that happiness off to others. What has brought on this new found bliss you ask? Why, cloth diapering, of course! I am totally converted :) Caroline hasn't had a disposable diaper on her bottom in two weeks and I, for one, am thrilled. I'm proud that I've kept the laundry up with my busy household, proud that I haven't broken down and used disposables at night and proud that I've made this choice for our family and the environment. (Plus I'm impressed with the savings....I've spent $240 dollars on my 22 diapers and that's it for the rest of my diapering existence. And when baby number 3 comes along, no diapering costs at all, because these will work for him/her!) Yeah us!

So go out and buy yourself some diapers and give it a's worth the effort!

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