Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Diet foods that I cannot live without...

So as I travel and travail on my diet journey, I find new and interesting foods that make me truly wonder how I ever lived without them. This week in my foray into diet land I was back at the Co-op (East End Food Co-op, Wilkensburg, PA). I stumbled across the most yummy black bean tortilla chips by Guiltless Gourmet. They are 130 cal, 3 g fat, 2 g fiber and basically awesome. To top it off, 18 yummy chips is a serving and they are certified organic. Only $2.17 to make a happy tummy!

Chas is also trying to rededicate himself to the diet craze that has swept our home. He hates yogurt, but this whole Dannon Activia line with the tummy friendly enzymes is a great thing for him. He tries the strawberry Activia with craisins for a snack...about 240 calories, 2 g fat, 3 g fiber, 8 g protein. Yum!

Aidyn's selection is vegan Boca Burgers...he thinks they are great vegetables! At first we tried to trick him into thinking it was chicken to make sure he would try it, but then he asked what part of the chicken it was. We finally 'fessed up that it was veggies and he said they were great veggies. So what better recommendations can I give?

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