Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The day has come...

It has finally happened. I've turned into that stereotypical mom that you see in movies and on sitcoms. You know the stumbles out of bed, puts on her ancient, ratty, 10 year old robe and trips to the coffee maker. She then stands over the machine until her blessed coffee is ready and drinks like its the nectar of the gods. Her hair is sticking out in eighteen different directions and she then yells insane one liners like "No Sportscenter before 8 AM" or "You can't check your fantasy football lineup before you leave for the bus stop" (this is at AIDYN, not Chas!) and "No, today is not a mohawk about rockstar hair instead?"

Yep...that's me. And funny thing is...I don't like coffee that much. I mean...I love coffee in the Starbucks or Panera coffee-shop sense...mocha lattes and caps...I love the richness of the whole cream and the flavor of sweet good! Plain, black coffee never held a great appeal for me. Maxwell House was for my grandmother. But lately, it has become the panacea to all that ails me. I've even begun to justify the 26 calories I have to add to each cup...1 tsp of sugar and 1/8 cup skim milk. This morning, for fun I used unsweetened chocolate Almond Breeze for a little change-up. No more french vanilla roast or hazelnut blends...plain, black coffee. What's become of me?

On a side note...funny story yesterday. I went to Wal-mart site-to-store to pick up my mom's Zen for Christmas. This is not a public announcement...Aidyn already told her that she was getting it, so she actually picked out exactly what she wanted. Anyway...I show the girl my ID and she calls over a supervisor...she thinks the ID doesn't match me. I love the incompetence of Wal-mart at large. I had to explain to the supervisor that I had lost 80 lbs since that ID picture was taken. I showed them my college ID as proof that I was indeed me. A very intricate process to get the Zen...but it kinda made my day. I hadn't had anyone look at my ID and not actually think it was me. Even the incompetent Wal-mart girl and her unreasonable fear that I somehow hacked into someone's email, stole their bar code receipt and credit card, as well as two IDs simply to get a mp3 player made me smile.

Now I'm off to put in my treadmill time...

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