Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is for all the ladies (and gentlemen, I guess...)

who are looking into healthier alternatives to old favorites. I have noticed several of my friends are kicking a healthier lifestyle into high gear and I applaud you!! The difference you will feel is tremendous. There is nothing in the world liking fitting into the next size smaller pants or buying a new, trendy item of clothing that your old body never would have looked good in before!

This is not an easy road to will stumble. But pick yourself up off the couch after that ohh-so-bad splurge on pizza (or my arch-nemesis, chicken wings!) and eat clean the next day. Your body will thank you for it. Just remember...those three lbs that it took you a month to lose will be on the scale tomorrow after that splurge. And don't panic...they will come back off after another week. Don't get discouraged. Just live with it.

So here are my tips of the week...

1. Get thee to the library today! I went there myself yesterday to pick up my copy of Hungry Girl by Lisa Lillien. Awesome cookbook on how to turn favorites that are super bad for you into something you can fit into your calories for the day. Look through and find some ones you like and put them into your recipe file.

2. Seriously think about watching your intake on a place like Calorie Count (google it...). Its free and takes only about 10 minutes out of your day to log calories. You will be shocked how much you are eating without even realizing it. Spend a week logging calories before you even try cutting back.

3. Find out what your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is. You can do this on lots of sites on the net. This allows you to cut your calories to the appropriate amount to lose. For instance, my BMR is 1970 calories approximately. This means that just by existing I burn that many calories. If you exercise, its even more. So I know that I can cut calories to the appropriate amount to lose. If you weigh more, you can eat more and lose more with more calories. Otherwise your body will hold on to that fat for dear life! Never cut more than 1000 calories off of your BMR and never go below 1200 if you are a woman or 1500 if you are a guy.

This means that at 1970 burned daily-1250 calorie intake=720 calories a day deficit for me...
That calculates to 5040 calories in deficit a week and about 1.5 lbs a week loss. (5040/3500(3500=calories in a lb of fat)). Figure yours out and set your calorie target around it!

Just keep trying!! Special shout outs to Lisa and Reina for trying to get into the swing of things!! Keep going ladies! It can be done...

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