Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well behaved women seldom make history...

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich was right...and apparently was thinking about my daughter when she penned that phrase 20-some odd years ago. (Because what else could she possibly have been writing about? Puritan women and family rituals? Pish posh!) My dearest Diva is taking that phrase to heart, with a vengeance. This child of mine will someday change the world, for better or worse :) She has, without question, already changed ours. One short year ago, after five long years of hoping and trying and waiting, my Kathryn Caroline entered the world in dramatic fashion. Even birth had to be an event for this girlie :) She has since been the light of our days (and the reason for all of our sleepless nights). From the moment she arrived on the scene, she has been one of those souls that command the attention of all who encounter her. She is decidedly fickle about those she loves and taunting and coy with those she wants to love her. Someday this blue-eyed, blond-ringleted fiery fairy child will break hearts, of this I am sure.

I sit here, early in the morning, unable to sleep. My sweet Caroline, darlingest of demanding darlings, has once again woken up the household and made it impossible for me to get back to sleep. She has definitely lived up to her nickname, and Diva she will remain for years to come. She has a way about her that makes you always want to come back for more...hoping this time will be the time that she gives you that smile and her heart. But of course, she simply gives you that little look that says "I love you, dear one, but not as much as you love me" and makes you come back for more. My birthday girl has more personality than most people I know, and far more flair for daring and drama than I myself can command.

Did you ever picture yourself as a certain person, in college, perhaps? I always thought of myself as a bit of a feminist, an individualist, a person with all the answers in the world under my brilliant head of curls? When I look at Caroline, I realize she already is the person I thought I was years ago. She has already accomplished in one year what many women search a lifetime for...she has found self-confidence and a love for her own soul. This is one woman who will not follow the crowds, but instead will be leading the pack. Of this, I am certain.

Many, or any, who read this will think to themselves that this the romanticized dribble of an overindulgent momma who dotes too much on her children. And those people are undoubtedly correct in their assumption :) But for those that know my Cara, you will see a glimmer of truth in my ramblings and hopefully say a prayer in your hearts for her continued health and well being.

Happy Birthday, wee sweet one. You are loved.

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