Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yeah...and that too!

I'm peaking at 31. Or rather, at 31, I realize I've already reached my peak. It's downhill from here, ladies and gents. On the road to rot and ruin, that is. My hair is turning gray faster than I can keep it dyed, my propensity toward hot foods leads on to heartburn and unrest and most annoyingly, functioning without a nap is daily torture. It's safe to say that Miss Clairol and Tums can help, but the nap thing...that, my friends, isn't getting any more likely to improve. Gone are the days when you could snuggle up and cuddle under the covers. Now, I worry whether or not the doors are locked, nothing is on the stove or if the kids are covered up and settled down. Then thoughts drift to the need to change the sheets to get rid of the crumbs from the kids having breakfast in my bed, the need for new detergent, the drum not spinning right on the see where this is going, right? Nap time dwindles away and kiddos wake up, leaving me drained and filled with another list of tasks to accomplish.

I think what I need to a regime again, a set of accomplishments for each day, a chore chart, per se. Then, I need someone to do it all for me. For my birthday, perhaps? Well, I didn't think so, but it was worth a try :) Now we're off to football practice for the boy...homeschool officially starts on Monday!

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