Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's hard to hug a tree with a cold...

Okay...I am feeling extreme guilt. Some of you (read as most of you) already think I'm insane. Well, you're right. And now you have proof in the form of tissues...

So here's the story...I have a lousy cold. I'm congested and sneezing and all the other symptoms that go along with those old medicine commercials. I have been blowing my nose for two days. I pick up tissues...the guilt sets in. How many trees have I killed for tissues today? I know, a little extreme, but its the OTC cold meds talking. I decide that I will use a hankie, as the dainty ladies in Victorian days did...that way I can just run it through the wash and voila! No dead trees.

Good plan...bad execution. The dainty hankie experiment worked all of an hour. I couldn't take it...DISGUSTING. I have to go back to my kleenex, guilt be damned...sigh, sniffle, sneeze.

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