Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two days at calories...

Not half bad...at least not half bad considering how bad I've been and how far off the weight-loss wagon I have fallen. I'm not actually "counting"calories officially yet, but after years of obsessing over at CC, I know approximately what I'm eating and where I'm at. I don't want to start counting outright yet, simply because I don't want to obsess over calories and weight. If I can successfully drop my first ten pounds (again), then I will start counting officially again. The easiest part of watching again is not eating out, which, if I must say, is undoubtedly what brought this weight back. I get so frustrated with myself...I did so well. I accomplished so much! And then I backslid...big time. So now I have to get motivated again. But I need to do it this time without the obsession and without the fixation. Hence the calorie eyeballing rather than logging...

Finally got into the school rhythm today. I caught up on all my prep work last night and today went more smoothly. We did get a little done last week, but it was a precious little. Yesterday was okay, but disorganized. Today felt good. We finished by 2 and had time to detox this afternoon, rather than rushing to finish work before speech comes.

An epic snowstorm is headed our way...again. I was hoping that C would make it home before the snow began in earnest, but no such luck. It's snowing full force, not looking to let up before some time tomorrow night. Yuck and double yuck. It would really help the tone of the house if we could get out and do something fun, but it's far too cold to really enjoy any outdoor pursuits. I might manage to get AJ a little sledding time in this week if we stay home. I'm still up in the air about heading out to Ohio...not so much wanting to catch the tummy bug floating out there or sleep on a couch. But AJ is gun-ho about going, so we'll see. C will be gone from Th-S, so that leaves us pretty much open to decide our schedule.

I must go. Diva is throwing a tantrum for all time because I won't let her in the desk drawers.

1 comment:

Erica Saint said...

Good luck with the first 10 pounds! I know you can do it! :)

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